function cnb_show_condition_placeholder_action() { const optionSelected = jQuery('#cnb_condition_match_type').val() let placeholderText if(optionSelected === 'SIMPLE') { placeholderText = '/blog/' } else if(optionSelected === 'EXACT') { placeholderText = '' } else if(optionSelected === 'SUBSTRING') { placeholderText = 'category/' } else if(optionSelected === 'REGEX') { placeholderText = '/(index|about)(\?id=[0-9]+)?$' } else if(optionSelected === 'COUNTRY_CODE') { placeholderText = '2 letter country code (e.g. NL)' } jQuery('#cnb_condition_match_value').attr('placeholder', placeholderText) } /** * Show an example condition in the form field for each of the match types */ function cnb_show_condition_placeholder() { cnb_show_condition_placeholder_action() jQuery('#cnb_condition_match_type').on('change', function () { cnb_show_condition_placeholder_action() }) } /** * * @param {HTMLElement} element */ function cnb_condition_type_change_action(element) { // Get the select item const selected = jQuery(element).find(":selected") // Get the new option const value = selected.val() // Hide all "conditionType" jQuery('.conditionType').attr('hidden', 'hidden') // Show all "conditionType_TYPE" jQuery('.conditionType_' + value).removeAttr('hidden') // Ensure the selected item is NOT a hidden item // If it is, select the first non-hidden version const matchTypeEle = jQuery('#cnb_condition_match_type') const selectedMatchType = matchTypeEle.find(":selected") if ('[hidden="hidden"]')) { const firstNotHidden = matchTypeEle.find('option[hidden!="hidden"]') if (firstNotHidden.length) { firstNotHidden.first().attr('selected', 'selected') // Also clear the Match value, since it's no longer valid jQuery('#cnb_condition_match_value').val('') cnb_show_condition_placeholder_action() } } } function cnb_condition_type_change_listener() { const ele = jQuery('#cnb_condition_condition_type') if (!ele.length) { return } ele.on('change', function (element) { cnb_condition_type_change_action( }) cnb_condition_type_change_action(ele[0]) } /** * This calls the admin-ajax action called 'cnb_delete_condition' */ function cnb_delete_condition() { jQuery('tbody[data-wp-lists="list:cnb_list_condition"]#the-list span.delete a[data-ajax="true"]') .on('click', function(){ // Prep data const id = jQuery(this).data('id') const bid = jQuery(this).data('bid') const data = { 'action': 'cnb_delete_condition', 'id': id, 'bid': bid, '_ajax_nonce': jQuery(this).data('wpnonce'), } // Send remove request, data) .done(() => { // Remove container const action_row = jQuery(this).closest('tr') jQuery(action_row).css("background-color", "#ff726f") jQuery(action_row).fadeOut(function() { jQuery(action_row).css("background-color", "") jQuery(action_row).remove() // Special case: if this is the last item, show a "no items" row const remaining_items = jQuery('table.cnb_list_conditions #the-list tr').length if (!remaining_items) { // Add row jQuery('table.cnb_list_conditions #the-list').html('You have no display rules set up. This means that your button will show on all pages.

' + '

Click the Add display rule button above to limit the appearance. You can freely mix and match rules to meet your requirements.

') } }) }) // Remove ID from Button array jQuery('input[name^="conditions['+id+']"').remove() return false }) } jQuery( function() { cnb_delete_condition() cnb_show_condition_placeholder() cnb_condition_type_change_listener() }) Incentive Academy - Incentive Academy

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André Lima

Publicitário com MBA em Marketing e Vendas, Pós Graduado em Inovação de Negócios, atua no Mercado de Marketing de Incentivos e Premiação Corporativa há mais de 12 anos.

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